It was cold, but bright and sunny and, as I turned the corner from Govan Road, I saw a number of people wearing rosettes and carrying leaflets. It is only three days to the election, after all. I walked past them, and along side them, more than once in the short stroll past Linthouse St. Kenneth's church. I even walked past the candidate. At no time did he, his workers or the token Muslim and token African who accompanied them, offer me a leaflet or suggest that I should vote for that party. I guess that I didn't look like a Govanite (in spite of my heritage) or didn't look like I would vote Labour. What a relief.
Sadly, I didn't have a camera, not to take photos of the ducks in the park, but to capture the moment for posterity. If any Govanites chance upon this blog, they may wish to see the guy they have elected to the Scottish parliament for two successive terms, as he spends most of his time in court earning big bucks. Having said that, perhaps some of the natives already know him from his day job. Anyway, just for the record, here is a photo of Gordon Jackson QC MSP.
Here's hoping he has plenty of time to devote to his legal work after Thurday.
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