Sunday, January 29, 2012

Anger is an energy

I don’t want to get angry. You won’t like me when I’m angry, but some people are trying what’s left of my patience. Things have been said. Attacks have been made. Is it any different from any other week? No, except that this hasn’t been just any other week.

I’ve been avoiding the political talk shows, averting my eyes from newspaper stands and tuning in to different radio stations. My mind is made up. My mind was made up a long time ago, with no aid from outside influences but, for health reasons, it’s best that I don’t get too agitated.

On Wednesday 25th, Burns Day, the First Minister went to Edinburgh Castle and announced the Scottish Government’s consultation on the forthcoming Independence referendum. He also announced his preferred question. Yes, ONE question; what all the Unionist windbags have been bleating on about for weeks. They want one question, and he’s come up with one:

Do you think that Scotland should be an independent country?

It’s ‘biased’, apparently. It’s ‘loaded’, apparently. It’s ‘unfair’, apparently. No, hold on a minute, it’s a simple question, so simple that Labour retards and Tory in-breds can understand, and that’s what they don’t like about it.

In the past, I’ve said to people that the dream of a better nation would be shattered by vested interests. What are they?

  1. The landed gentry and big business (Tories); exploit the land and its people for their own benefit.
  2. The parasites (Labour); pocket the money at all levels of Government but put nothing back into their communities. I mean, why is that the East End of Glasgow is still the poorest place in this wonderful United Kingdom after almost 80 years of being represented by Labour?
  3. The bigots (Protestants, mostly of the Orange and Masonic variety); shit scared of an independent Scotland cozying up to a Catholic EU.
  4. The fearties (Catholics); shit scared of being marooned in a Presbyterian Scotland twinned with Northern Ireland.
This week, we’ve had Reg Empey, sorry, SIR Reg Empey telling us that our Independence from Tory England will harm Ulster. Here’s his considered opinion, stolen from the BBC:

“The former Ulster Unionist Party leader said Northern Ireland had “spent decades overcoming nationalist terrorism and we gradually after years and years and years managed to settle down our community”.
“I don’t wish to exaggerate, but if the Scottish nationalists were to succeed it could possibly reignite the difficulties we have just managed to overcome,” he said.
“I do not say that lightly.”
He told peers said that if Scotland broke away from the UK, people in Northern Ireland would have “a foreign country on one side of us and a foreign country on the other side of us”.
We would end up like West Pakistan,” he said.”

Funny comparison, considering his mob wanted partition. Even funnier the idea that 'our community' is settled down. That'd be why there's a honking great 'peace' wall, then.

This is the same Reg Empey who led his party to the brink of extinction. Naw, Reg, that’s not what’s going to kill off your apartheid state; the Catholics, as per orders from Rome, have been breeding like rabbits for years and the entire balance of the population is going to change in the next couple of decades. Now whether or not they throw their lot in with the bankrupt Republic remains to be seen, but it’s over.

His successor, Tom Elliott, spouts more pish on his blog. I loved the bit about us all benefiting economically, politically and socially from being in the UK. So that would be why Northern Ireland was left virtually undefended at the start of World War II, or why a large number of its citizens were actively discriminated against for decades. I also loved the bit about Salmond being more of a threat than the IRA. I know I’ve written some shite in my time, but that takes the biscuit.

We’ve had the usual guff from Michael ‘yes, it is my real accent’ Forsyth, Johann Lamont (who?), Foghorn Curran and even Christine Lagarde’s best buddy Alistair, too, but surely the best contribution to the debate has come from ‘bra tycoon’ Michelle Mone. According to her, Scotland will go tits up if we get independence and she’s going to pack up all her underwear and run away from home. Oh, dear.

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