Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Altruistic abstinence (or self-denial is not a river in Egypt)

It's Lent tomorrow, apparently. I don't follow all this superstitious, religious crap, but people seem to give up all sorts of things, don't they? I'm not sure what is the purpose of it all. It's not as if you get money at the end of it, though someone did mention chocolate. What would I give up, if I were one of them (not one of them, I mean one of them)?:

Alcohol: Is this year's Eurovision Song Contest taking place during Lent?
Social Networking: Does that include blogging, e-mails and text messages?
Chocolate: Wasn't that one of the New Year resolutions?
Masturbation: I can't see what I'm typing.
Sex: Gave that up years ago. How long is Lent?
Chocolate: See the last two.

That'll be that then.

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