Saturday, February 18, 2012

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

I suppose you think I’ll have a lot to say about it. On another day, I’d have got on my soapbox and preached to anyone who’d listen, but not now, not at the moment. Out there, in the real world, there are people more knowledgeable, more articulate and more aggrieved than I could ever be, so I’ll leave it to them. I won’t deny the smile, the laugh, the schadenfreude, but does it really matter to me? Is it what I think about first thing in the morning, or last thing at night? Is it my life?

Remember when I wasn’t sleeping? That seems to have stopped, for now. I’ve got no reason to lose sleep. I have a job, I pay my taxes and I have security that many can only dream of, yet I can’t dream, not in the way others do. I exist in a dream. I live in unreality and I commute from one nightmare to another. I have no idea how I got here, or why I chose to come, but I made that choice, didn’t I? Well, I’m not so sure. Do we all find ourselves somewhere we don’t want to be, unable to escape? Are we always in control of our own destiny? With the stroke of a pen or the wave of a hand, one person can ruin so many lives. Some people never seem to stop paying for the sins of others, and some never pay at all. The things we love the most can be taken from us in an instant, leaving the best of us isolated and bereft. What you love and what I love may be the same or different. There’s no logic, no reason; I think we are simply genetically pre-disposed to be ‘here’, or  ‘here’ and ‘there’. We can’t choose what, or who, we love, so why should we justify it or argue about it?

I’ve always been an extremist, an equally passionate advocate or opponent, but now, after the initial supporting or disapproving statement or gesture, that particular fire is extinguished; I haven’t the energy or desire for a fight. When did the firebrand cease to function? I can pinpoint any one of three or four days in any one of three or four months when I was changed. I’m not certain what the catalyst was. All I know is that I am ‘here’, just as you are ‘there’. I’m not saying I feel your pain. I feel MY pain, and that’s ample, but I’m a little more sympathetic than I used to be, because I know what it’s like to feel, to love, to be alive. Perhaps we’re not living if we can’t stand in the road and cry about something that seems trivial to others but means everything to us? Perhaps we’re not living if we can’t point and shout and scream and direct our vitriol at the nameless, the faceless or the all-powerful? Is it sufficient to hope that they’ll get what they deserve one day? Would it really matter? Wouldn't it just be enough if you or I got what we need today or tomorrow?

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